Monday, April 27, 2009

smile it's monday!

smile it's monday!
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
there are tiny little flowers of weeds. less than 1 cm in diameter, you probably have stepped on these a lot of times. they do look beautiful up close!

have a great week!

Friday, April 24, 2009

nature at its best

nature at its best
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
it was a cloudy day, it was still an amazing place to visit and shoot. another shot at the meditation point in bamboo beach, nasugbu, batangas in the philippines.

have a great weekend eveyone!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

changing seasons

changing seasons
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
no, this is not winter in the philippines, but just another infrared shot of meditation point in nasugbu, batangas. but seasons are rapidly changing here in manila. it has been raining the past few days and quite early for this time of the year. we do not expect rains for another month or so...oh well.

it is thursday!!! just a day more before the weekend. boy how time flies!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

happy earth day!

happy earth day!
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
an infrared world, the beach as seen through the infrared camera. thought this is an appropriate shot for earth day. love the earth. we only have one of it.

shot of the bamboo beach in nasugbu, batangasin the philippines. thought i would experiment on how it would look through infrared eyes!

happy earth day everyone!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

view from the cliff

view from the cliff
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
atop the meditation point, you see the vastness of the luzon coastal waters. pity it was a cloudy day, although the clouds did make for some interesting formation.

enjoy the rest of the week my friends!

Monday, April 20, 2009

meditation point

meditation point
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
another infrared image...

this is a place called meditation point above the coastal shores of nasugbu, batangas. inside the bamboo beach compound, this is probably the most awe-inspiring place i have seen. beyond this rock garden is the most majestic view of the philippine coastline as you will see in my next posts...

it is monday again, yay! have a great week everyone!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

golden cluster

golden cluster
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
can someone tell me what this flower is? it is rather small, about 2 inches in diameter and grow in low shrubs. saw this golden beauty in abundance at the eco park last black saturday and it is amazing how they look up close. i never imagined the intricacy of those golden clusters in the middle. wow!

have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

you deserve a kiss! mwah!

i just love hibiscus flowers! too bad they seldom last for more than a day, specially in the hot summer day! the long pistil is quite an attraction to pollinating insects who would just be attracted to these kissable lips! mwaaaah!

almost the weekend now...enjoy the rest of the week my friends!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

banana heart bokeh

banana heart bokeh
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
a favorite subject of mine is this exotic blossom from a plant of the banana family. just love the purple heart and the tiny yellow banana flowers underneath. took this last black saturday at the la mesa eco park.

have a great bokeh wednesday everyone!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

tuesday's pinkness

tuesday's pinkness
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
just found out about flickr's pink tuesday thingy (where have i been???) lol!

this is a shot of the trees in the american memorial using hte D90 IR camera, given the pinkness treatment! hope ya like it!

i think that i will never see, a poem lovely as a tree


by: Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)

THINK that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

the miracle that is easter

happy easter to all!!!

here is an IR shot i did today. this is a big tree in the middle of greenbelt mall. i thought it would reflect a lot of IR rays in the early afternoon but could not get a nice angle on any side. decided to go under it and shoot from below.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

black saturday

black saturday
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
In The Philippines, Holy Saturday, is called Black Saturday. In the past, the city is literally dead, as most just stay home and attend religious activite. Nowadays, malls are open in the afternoons and evenings are livelier in preparation for Easter festivities!

Friday, April 10, 2009

good friday blues

good friday blues
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
it is good friday, and in manila, the streets are deserted, malls are closed and a lot of people are spending the long vacation in beaches.

my IR-converted D90 camera in tow, i went to the american memorial cemetery grounds. i have been wanting to shoot there and what better than IR photography?

it is a smaller version of the arlington cemetery, which contains the largest number of graves of our military dead of World War II, most of whom lost their lives in operations in New Guinea and the Philippines.

have a good friday everyone...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

golden hour

golden hour
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
people ask how i process the IR's, well here goes.

1. removed distortions
2. autolevels
3. hue and saturations
4. selective color, adjusted neutrals, and reds primarily to achieve the golden colors.
5. curves
6. levels
7. noise removal

that's it!

i purposely want a more or less monochromatic look.

if you want more colors, you can set the picture control to standard or even vivid and then get more saturation on the jpegs, and then you can increase saturation in post processing too.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

surreal dreams

surreal dreams
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
got this new lens today for my D90-IR camera - the tokina 11-16 f2.8. nice wide lens just in time for the weekend shoot!

tested this lens at the filinvest grounds. one thing about IR photography is you gotta get under the heat! that is when IR rays are most visible!

enjoy the rest of the week my friends!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

infrared pastels

infrared pastels
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
another IR shot of the festival mall in alabang. chose to process this with pastel colors, as i am not really a fan of super saturated IR shots.

the day was a bit cloudy which is not good for IR photography.

Monday, April 6, 2009

pink overload

pink overload
Originally uploaded by Doc Tony Photography
this is actually a very tiny cactus flower about a centimeter in diameter across the flower. used the raynox conversion lens on the nikkor 105VR.

it is palm sunday today, the start of the holy week.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

happy bokeh day everyone!

rediscovered this old one from the archives.

it's wednesday here so time to bokeh! but really, every day is a good to bokeh. he he.

have a great day!